Sex Therapy

Clinical Assessment Group therapists operate from an objective, compassionate, and other-oriented perspective. Other oriented means that your therapist will demonstrate professional humility and openness to whatever part of your identity you choose to share.

CAG therapists are clinically supervised and regularly supported by the CAG clinical leadership. This support includes a focus on ensuring ethical and best-practice client care, clinical documentation, and therapist self-care are always practiced.

CAG therapists are sex-positive and science-informed. They actively participate in ongoing professional development training to ensure continual learning and growth while also staying up-to-date on research and literature related to our specialties.

External factors such as tradition, societal trends, and history shape a lot of our self-image and internal dialogue. When you start to notice that dialogue is no longer serving you, beginning to untangle those threads can be scary. We understand how difficult it can be to take those first steps.

If you are seeking services, or are curious about our work please visit our agency website