Crisis Counseling

Clinical Assessment Group (CAG) provides an array of comprehensive behavioral health services in New Mexico with a focus on offering a wide range of evidence-based assessments and interventions to improve the lives of individuals and families. We are excited to announce our strategic partnership with New Mexico Crisis Counseling (NMCC), expanding our offerings to include crisis counseling. This valuable service provides no-waitlist, interim treatment for individuals experiencing suicidality or those at risk of decompensating while on waitlists for long-term therapy. We specialize in suicide-specific treatment, utilizing evidence-informed therapies such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS). Our clinical objective is to provide immediate, effective stabilization services until long-term solutions are available.

NMCC Chief Clinical Officer Gayle Porter, LPCC
Gayle served 12 years as a New Mexico law enforcement officer. After receiving Crisis Intervention training and a Master’s in Psychology, she became a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and the Clinical Supervisor for the New Mexico Crisis and National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Board Member
Governor’s & Mayor’s Challenge Board Member For Preventing Veteran Suicide
Veterans Suicide Mortality Review Board Member